Lirik Lagu For The First Time - The Script - Judul: For The First Time
She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart
While I'm drinking Jack all alone in my local bar and we don't know how
Kenapa wanita itu mengalami kondisi seperti itu? Wanita yang berasal dari Provinsi Henan itu diketahui telah ditegur oleh atasannya sebulan sebelumnya, yang mengakibatkan ia mengalami perasaan tidak bahagia yang berkepanjangan.
Apa yang diungkapkan lagu tentang depresi? Lagu tentang depresi sering kali menjadi medium yang kuat untuk mengekspresikan perasaan terdalam yang sulit diungkapkan dengan kata-kata biasa.
Kenapa pacar mengatakan lelah dengan lagu cinta? Aku lelah dengan air mata, bosan dengan lagu-lagu cinta, bahkan lelah untuk berharap seandainya kamu tetap di sini.
Apa itu Broken Home? Broken home merupakan kondisi ketika keluarga tidak utuh. Sederhananya, orang tua yang bercerai bisa berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan fisik maupun mental sang anak. Kondisi ini yang kemudian membuat seseorang disebut sebagai anak broken home.
Di mana lagu ini menceritakan? Arti Lagu 'Gundul-gundul Pacul' adalah lagu daerah Jawa yang menceritakan tentang kehidupan para petani di sawah.
Bagaimana cara mengatasi broken home? Mendengarkan dan memberikan perhatian yang baik kepada anak-anak, serta menjaga komunikasi yang terbuka antara anggota keluarga juga menjadi langkah yang penting dalam mengatasi situasi broken home.
How we got into this mad situation, only doing things out of frustration
Trying to make it work, but, man, these times are hard
She needs me now but I can't seem to find the time
I got a new job now on the unemployment line and we don't know how
How we got into this mess, is it God's test? Someone help us 'cause we're doing our best
Trying to make things work, but, man, these times are hard
But we're gonna stop by drinking our cheap bottles of wine
Sit talking up all night, saying things we haven't for a while, a while, yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time
She's in line at the dole with her head held high
While I just lost my job but didn't lose my pride, and we both now how
How we're going to make it work when it hurts, when you pick yourself up you get kicked to the dirt
Tryin' to make it work, but, man, these times are hard
But we're gonna start by drinking our cheap bottles of wine
Sit talking up all night, doing things we haven't for a while, a while, yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time
Drinking our cheap bottles of wine
Sit talking up all night, saying things we haven't for a while, a while, yeah
We're smiling but we're close to tears, even after all these years
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time
For the first time
Oh, for the first time
Yeah, for the first time
We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time
Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me, baby
Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me, baby
Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me, baby
Oh, these times are hard, yeah, they're making us crazy
Don't give up on me, baby (mdk/end)
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