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45 Kata Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris Buat Pasangan, Romantis dan Penuh Makna

45 Kata Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris Buat Pasangan, Romantis dan Penuh Makna ilustrasi tidur malam. - Ketika malam yang damai tiba, sudah saatnya untuk setiap orang beristirahat. Kita bisa mengiringi waktu tidur pasangan kita dengan untaian kata ucapan selamat tidur bahasa Inggris. Kata ucapan selamat tidur bahasa Inggris ini merupakan bentuk perhatian dan kasih sayang terhadap orang spesial di hati kita.

Kata ucapan selamat tidur bahasa Inggris bukan sekadar kata-kata, namun juga ungkapan isi hati yang kita simpan sepanjang hari. Yang kita simpan, dan menunggu waktu yang tepat untuk dikirimkan agar si dia dapat menyerap setiap katanya dengan tenang.

Kata ucapan selamat tidur bahasa Inggris akan memberikan perasaan tenang dan juga bahagia menjelang tidur. Kata-kata ini juga mengandung doa dan harapan agar pasangan kita dapat tidur dengan nyenyak dan bangun penuh semangat baru.

Tapi tak mudah menyusun kata ucapan selamat tidur bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, kami telah mengumpulkan beberapa kata ucapan selamat tidur tersebut dari laman

Kata Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris Romantis

1. I am lucky to have the brightest star in the world with me, who always brightens up my day. Sweet dreams to you, my love!

2. You are the most special person in my life. I hope you sleep peacefully, darling! Good night!

3. Good night, my dashing prince. May your dreams be colorful, vibrant, and spectacular. Love you, my soulmate!

4. Good night to the man of my dreams. I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow, my love!

5. I love watching stars in the sky. But more than that, I adore watching you sleep. Keep shining like a bright star always! Night night, darling!

6. Good night, sweetie pie. I hope the night will bring peace to you and angels will watch over you to give you blessings!

7. Your smile is sweeter than chocolates. I hope you have a lovely night, love!

8. I believe I must be a great man to have met such a sweet girl, whose beauty can’t be hidden even to the stars at night. Your realness is what keeps me going. I love you. Good night.

9. Good night, my sweet girl. The love I have for you makes waking up every morning worth it.

10. Queen of my heart, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing that crosses my mind when I sleep. Thank you for making me feel so special and lucky. Goodnight and dream me.

11. I hope you know how honored I am to call you my wife. I wanted you to know this before you close your eyes for the night.

12. Every night before I sleep, the only person I want to look at is you. I love you to the moon and back. Good night!

13. The sky looks so beautiful every night, but it's not as beautiful as you.

14. I love you, baby, no matter what. Come what may, I will always be by your side. Good night, honey!

15. Wishing you the sweetest dreams as you drift off to sleep. Good night, darling!

Kata Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris Penuh Makna

16. May your dreams be as soft as your kisses. Good night, my handsome prince!

17. You are the only one in my life who makes my life bright and smooth. Sweet dreams to you, my love!

18. There is a man under the sky with whom I want to spend the rest of my life. It's you, baby! Good night, my man!

19. Close your eyes, my love, and let the silence of the night soothe your soul. Have a restful sleep, my dear!

20. As you close your eyes to sleep, may you dream away all your troubles. I hope you have a sound sleep, darling!

21. In the daily hustle and bustle of life, don't forget to relax, darling. Close your eyes, and go to sleep. Good night!

22. It's okay if today was a difficult day. Believe in yourself and seize the opportunity tomorrow. Good night, darling!

23. For once, I wish I could come into your dreams and show you that you are loved in every way possible! For now, I can wish you a good night, knowing I’ll love you twice as much in the morning.

24. Goodnight! May all your dreams be as beautiful as you are.

25. They say there is no such thing as a perfect life. Seems like they have no idea what it is like having you in my life. Close your eyes, my dear, and dream of tomorrow.

26. Just like the sun and moon are destined to rise in their particular time, I am destined to be with you forever. Have a beautiful and magical night, my love.

27. I love for the day that my dream will come true and wake up next to you. Sweet dreams until then, my dear.

28. Do you know what is temporary? This night, this moon, and these stars—they will all disappear in the morning. But do you know what is permanent? Our love—it will last forever. Good night, my love.

29. You might not notice it, but every time I see you, I still get butterflies. Even when I am already with you, I still can’t wait to see you in my dreams. Good night, my love.

30. May the lullabies of a hundred angels’ wings comfort you and keep you as you drift off to sleep. Good night, my princess.

Kata Ucapan Selamat Tidur Bahasa Inggris

31. Some scientists say that star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. I don’t agree with them. The brightest stars I’ve ever seen were your beautiful eyes. Sleep tight, honey.

32. As a mighty bird soars, and stretches its wings, that’s how your love makes me feel; you’re my everything. Sleep well, my love!

33. It doesn’t matter how bright and wonderful my dreams are, because they still can’t compare to these sweet moments when I’m with you. I can’t wait to wake up and see you again. Good night, darling.

34. May you have a deep and refreshing sleep, my love, and I will see you tomorrow when you brighten my day more than the sunshine.

35. Please meet me in my dreams tonight. I hope we can have the same wonderful time we have when we're together.

36. My day was better because of you. Now, my night will be too. Can't wait to see you in the morning.

37. Sleep well, my love, because when you sleep, you are in a place of peace, a place where you will feel calm and regain the strength to conquer everything.

38. Did you feel a little gloomy today? It might be because you are suffering from a lack of vitamin me. Hope to see you soon, baby! Good night!

39. The distance between us doesn't matter to me because you live in my heart. Hope you have a lovely and restful night, baby.

40. The thought of meeting you soon makes me feel overwhelmed with emotions. I miss you a lot, honey. Good night!

41. Sorry, I can't be there to sleep beside you my dear. Sending a big hug and kiss across the miles to say good night!

42. Goodnight! I hope your dreams are as bright as the night stars.

43. I'm not ready for the night to end. Meet me in my dreams if you can. Let's dream of Paris.

44. May the darkness bring you peace and serenity until I see you again. Sweet dreams.

45. Have a good night my love. I will always be here for you. (mdk/ank)

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