Menguasai Kata Kerja Kedua Arrive: Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula
Berikut cara menguasai kata kerja kedua arrive beserta panduan lengkapnya.

Kata kerja “arrive” merupakan salah satu kata kerja yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Penggunaannya mencakup berbagai konteks dan bidang kehidupan. Memahami nuansa penggunaan “arrived” dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa.
Praktik dan penggunaan dalam berbagai situasi akan membantu penguasaan. Teruslah belajar dan menggunakan “arrived” dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.
Memahami penggunaan kata kerja kedua dari “arrive” sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas secara mendalam tentang kata kerja kedua “arrive” beserta contoh penggunaannya dalam berbagai konteks.
Pengertian Kata Kerja Kedua Arrive
1. Kata kerja kedua “arrive” adalah “arrived”
2. Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah terjadi di masa lalu
3. Termasuk dalam kategori kata kerja beraturan (regular verb)
4. Tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk yang signifikan dari bentuk dasarnya
5. Pengucapannya mirip dengan bentuk dasar, hanya ditambahkan bunyi “-d” di akhir
Fungsi Kata Kerja Kedua Arrive
6. Menunjukkan kedatangan atau ketibaan di suatu tempat
7. Menyatakan pencapaian atau keberhasilan mencapai suatu tujuan
8. Mengindikasikan waktu kedatangan atau ketibaan
9. Menggambarkan proses mencapai suatu kondisi atau keadaan
10. Digunakan dalam kalimat lampau sederhana (simple past tense)
Struktur Kalimat dengan Kata Kerja Kedua Arrive
11. Subjek + arrived + (at/in) + tempat
12. Subjek + arrived + (on/by) + alat transportasi
13. Subjek + arrived + (at) + waktu
14. It + arrived + objek
15. Subjek + arrived + (to) + infinitif
Contoh Penggunaan dalam Kalimat
16. They arrived at the airport two hours ago.
17. We arrived in Paris last night.
18. The package arrived on Tuesday.
19. She arrived by train from London.
20. The guests arrived at 7 PM sharp.
Penggunaan Preposisi dengan Arrived
21. Arrived at: digunakan untuk tempat yang spesifik
22. Arrived in: digunakan untuk kota, negara, atau area yang luas
23. Arrived on: digunakan untuk hari atau tanggal
24. Arrived by: digunakan untuk menyebutkan alat transportasi
25. Arrived to: jarang digunakan, biasanya untuk menunjukkan tujuan
Perbedaan Arrived dan Come
26. Arrived lebih formal dibandingkan come
27. Come dapat digunakan untuk pergerakan menuju pembicara
28. Arrived menekankan pada pencapaian tujuan
29. Come dapat digunakan untuk perintah, sementara arrived tidak
30. Arrived biasanya diikuti preposisi, sedangkan come tidak selalu
Kata Kerja Kedua Arrive dalam Berbagai Tenses
31. Simple Past: I arrived at the party late.
32. Past Continuous: I was arriving at the station when I saw her.
33. Past Perfect: By the time I got there, they had already arrived.
34. Past Perfect Continuous: They had been arriving all morning.
35. Future in the Past: I knew they would have arrived by noon.
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Kalimat Pasif
36. The package was arrived at the office yesterday.
37. The guests were arrived at the venue by 6 PM.
38. It was arrived that the meeting would be postponed.
39. The decision was arrived at after much deliberation.
40. The conclusion was arrived at through careful analysis.
Idiom dan Frase dengan Arrived
41. Arrive at a conclusion: mencapai kesimpulan
42. Arrive on the scene: muncul atau datang ke suatu tempat
43. Arrive in style: datang dengan cara yang mengesankan
44. Have arrived: mencapai kesuksesan atau pengakuan
45. Arrive at a decision: membuat keputusan setelah pertimbangan
Sinonim Kata Kerja Arrived
46. Reached
47. Attained
48. Came
49. Appeared
50. Showed up
Antonim Kata Kerja Arrived
51. Departed
52. Left
53. Exited
54. Went away
55. Vanished
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Konteks Bisnis
56. The shipment arrived on schedule.
57. We have arrived at a mutually beneficial agreement.
58. The new CEO arrived last week to take charge.
59. The quarterly reports arrived this morning.
60. Our team arrived at the conference well-prepared.
Arrived dalam Konteks Akademik
61. The students arrived for their exam on time.
62. We have arrived at an interesting hypothesis.
63. The research results arrived from the lab yesterday.
64. The professor arrived to give her lecture.
65. The deadline for submissions has arrived.
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Literatur
66. “At last, spring arrived with all its glory.”
67. “The moment of truth had arrived.”
68. “As night arrived, the forest came alive with sounds.”
69. “She arrived at the ball, turning every head in the room.”
70. “The long-awaited letter finally arrived.”
Arrived dalam Konteks Teknologi
71. The software update arrived overnight.
72. The new smartphones have arrived in stores.
73. We’ve arrived at a breakthrough in AI technology.
74. The error message arrived unexpectedly.
75. The future of virtual reality has arrived.
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Berita
76. The President arrived for the summit meeting.
77. Aid has arrived for the earthquake victims.
78. The hurricane arrived on the coast last night.
79. The first vaccines have arrived in the country.
80. Election day has arrived, and polls are now open.
Arrived dalam Konteks Sosial
81. The bride arrived fashionably late to the wedding.
82. Our food arrived cold at the restaurant.
83. The baby arrived two weeks earlier than expected.
84. The celebrities arrived on the red carpet.
85. The time has arrived for us to address this issue.
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Percakapan Sehari-hari
86. “Have you arrived home safely?”
87. “What time did you arrive at work?”
88. “The pizza has arrived, let’s eat!”
89. “I arrived late due to traffic.”
90. “Has your package arrived yet?”
Arrived dalam Konteks Perjalanan
91. We arrived at our destination after a long journey.
92. The flight arrived 30 minutes behind schedule.
93. Upon arriving in Tokyo, we headed straight to the hotel.
94. The cruise ship arrived in port early this morning.
95. We arrived at the campsite just before sunset.
Penggunaan Arrived dalam Seni dan Hiburan
96. The band arrived on stage to thunderous applause.
97. The long-awaited sequel has finally arrived in theaters.
98. Critics say the artist has arrived with this groundbreaking album.
99. The circus arrived in town, bringing joy to children.
100. The moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived: the season finale.