Contoh Soal Announcement Text dan Jawabannya, Pahami Strukturnya
Contoh soal announcement text ini dilengkapi dengan jawabannya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, teks pengumuman ini disebut sebagai announcement text. Tujuan announcement text ini untuk mengumumkan atau memberi informasi kepada orang banyak.
Contoh soal announcement text bisa jadi bahan pembelajaran. Contoh soal announcement text ini mudah dipahami dan dipelajari. Contoh soal announcement text ini dilengkapi dengan jawabannya.
Dalam bahasa Inggris, teks pengumuman ini disebut sebagai announcement text. Tujuan announcement text ini untuk mengumumkan atau memberi informasi kepada masyarakat atau orang banyak. Informasi yang dimaksud bisa berupa suatu acara, peristiwa, imbauan, dan lain sebagainya.
Kenapa Padi Salibu dilirik Pemprov Jabar? Padi dengan teknologi salibu saat ini tengah dilirik Pemprov Jabar sebagai upaya menjaga ketahanan pangan.
Bagaimana Jaka Sembung melawan Ki Hitam? Akhirnya Jaka Sembung teringat pesan gurunya, Ki Sapu Angin yang menyebut jika ilmu rawa rontek bisa rontok saat pemiliknya tewas dan tidak menyentuh tanah. Di film itu, Jaka Sembung kemudian menebaskan parang ke tubuh Ki Hitam hingga terpisah, dan menusuknya agar tidak terjatuh ke tanah.
Kapan Rafathar potong rambut? 3 Namun, ternyata Raffi dan Nagita ingin anak mereka tampil berbeda menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri yang tidak lama lagi.
Kenapa Jaka merantau? Dengan penuh tekad, Jaka pun memutuskan untuk merantau ke negeri orang untuk mencari nafkah dan mewujudkan semua impian mereka berdua.
Kapan Raden Rakha lahir? Raden Rakha memiliki nama lengkap Raden Rakha Daniswara Putra Permana. Ia lahir pada 16 Februari 2007 dan kini baru berusia 16 tahun.
Apa itu jamak taqdim? Jamak Taqdim yaitu menggabungkan dua sholat dengan cara mengerjakannya di waktu sholat yang pertama.
Dalam strukturnya, contoh soal announcement text memiliki dua bagian yang sangat penting, yaitu judul (title) dan penjelasan (explanation). Bagian judul berfungsi sebagai gambaran tentang isi teks. Sedangkan bagian penjelasan berisi informasi detail seperti tanggal dan waktu, tempat, atau kontak yang bisa dihubungi.
Setelah mengenali teks pengumuman atau announcement text, berikut kami sampaikan beberapa contoh soal announcement text yang dilansir dari laman
Contoh Soal Announcement Text 1-2
All students must join the class meeting from 10th March to 15st March 2019.
1. What kind of the text is it?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
E. A poster
Answer: D
2. What is the text about?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the English meeting.
C. An invitation to join an English meeting.
D. The plan of having an English meeting.
E. The announcement of English meeting.
Answer: A
Contoh Soal Announcement Text 3-4
Our school will celebrate its 20th anniversary on:
Day/Date: Monday, 20 April 2020
Place : Sport Hall
Time : 7.00 am – 11.00 am
To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be held together with music show of the school band featuring a well known singer. All the teachers and students are supposed to attend this celebration. For this reason all school extracurricular activities at school such as basketball, Martial art, Football and English Sunday meeting will not be done for that day.
3. What did the school do to celebrate its anniversary?
A. To hold a special bazaar.
B. To have a martial art competition.
C. To do all extracurricular activities.
D. To highlight all events well.
E. To participate in the marching band competition
Answer: A
4. The school did not have all the extracurricular activities on that day because … .
A. nobody was interested in playing basketball in the sport hall that day
B. all students had to attend the bazaar and buy everything sold in the event
C. there was an attractive music show performed by all students of the school
D. the sport hall would be used for the celebration of the school anniversary
E. All students have played football for 3 days
Answer: D
Contoh Soal Announcement Text 5-7
There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity will take place at Rama Shinta Camping Ground and last for three days.
For further information, please contact Mr. Bayu.
Yogyakarta, March 10th, 2019
The Chief of Scout Organization
5. When will the activity be held ?
A. In May
B. In March
C. In April
D. In February
E. in June
Answer: C
6. If the camp starts in April 7th, when will it end ?
A. April 9th.
B. April 10th.
C. March 11th.
D. March 10th.
E. May 9th
Answer: A
7. Who must join the activity ?
A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Medan people
E. All rulers in Yogyakarta
Answer: B
Contoh Soal Announcement Text 8-9
To: all employees
There will be a blackout each Saturday during this month. Consequently, we will use the generator as the electric source. So, please do not use air conditioners on Saturdays.
Please don’t forget to turn off the lights, computers, printers during the break as usual.
8. Where can you read the announcement?
A. At school
B. In a library
C. In a bank
D. In a farm
E. In a company
Answer: E
9. According to the text, what should the employees turn off each Saturday?
A. Printers
B. Computers
C. Lamps
D. Air conditioners
E. Generator
Answer: D
Contoh Soal Announcement Text 10
To All Third Grade Students
All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2019. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have handed on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.
10. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?
A. You will get receipts.
B. It should be covered by non-colorful plastic.
C. It should be replaced with a similar book.
D. You should cover with wrapping plastic.
E. The librarian will be fined by a certain amount of money.
Answer: C